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Ohio’s Art and Design Colleges: Cleveland Institute of Art

By October 17, 2016May 4th, 2017Ohio's Art and Design Colleges


Cleveland Institute of Art has been educating professional artists and designers since 1882. CIA is located in the heart of University Circle, Cleveland’s cultural center. University Circle is home to over 8,000 students from Case Western Reserve University, the Cleveland Institute of Music, and CIA. The area abounds with cultural opportunities including Cleveland Botanical Gardens, Cleveland Symphony Orchestra, and six museums including the world renowned Cleveland Museum of Art.

CIA is one of 40 Independent Colleges of Art and Design (AICAD) in the U.S. and the 2nd largest of 3 in Ohio. A dedicated art school is different than majoring in art at a comprehensive university. At CIA, students are surrounded by artists and have the advantage of taking courses across disciplines as needed to support their work.

Nationally known for their programs in Industrial Design and Biomedical Art, CIA offers 15 majors including growing majors in Game Design, Illustration, and Animation. A close relationship with Case Western Reserve University opens courses, team projects, and co-curricular activities, across schools.

Campus Video: Check out our video compilation of photos from our last visit to Cleveland Institute of Art:

About the Author: After touring 60 of the best colleges in Ohio, Dr. Jay, a prior faculty member and dean, founded College Bound Advantage (CBA); a Columbus Ohio college consulting firm. CBA specializes in helping families optimize college selection around 15 “fit factors.” College Bound Advantage serves all of Ohio including Cleveland, Akron, and Cincinnati metro areas.

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