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What is the Most Haunted College or University in Ohio?


So, in this season of long shadows and dark hallways, have you wondered what is the most haunted college or university in Ohio?

Before answering this compelling question, let me first say that ghosts and ghost stories do a lot for a college. First, it is impossible to tell a ghost story, without also discussing the history of the institution. Ghost story tellers are both storytellers and historians. So ghost tours and books about campus ghosts help pass on a college’s history. Second, the ghost stories often reflect the values of the institution or offer lessons based on the calamities of the past. Third, they build community. There is nothing like sharing ghost stories in the dark with friends while knowing that generations of students have shared the same stories.

So, what is the most haunted campus in Ohio? Here are a few contenders:

  • Ohio University – Often considered the most haunted campus in the United States, this historic University sports ghost tours and a variety of haunted buildings, not the least of which is the Ridges Mental Health Institution (see picture above).
  • Ohio Wesleyan University – OWU is home to the Paranormal Research Society, a student organization that believes that many of their buildings are haunted. The OWU bookstore even sells the book, The Ghosts of Stuyvesant Hall and Beyond” as documented by John Ciochetty.
  • Kenyon College – Kenyon ghost tours are famous and their tales are linked to real tragedies of the past including a tragic dormitory fire and the death of a student as part of a fraternity initiation process.

Runners up: Miami University where stories abound, OSU with its new “Ghost Hunters in Ohio by Student Technicians – GHOST” student organization, and John Carroll University which sports its own “Paranormal Research Group,” an active student organization that investigates paranormal phenomenon.

Next Halloween season, we will offer one ghost story from each of our three winners, so keep hiking with us. There’s lots of trail ahead.

About the Author: After touring 60 of the best colleges in Ohio, Dr. Jay, a prior faculty member and dean, founded College Bound Advantage (CBA); a Columbus Ohio college consulting firm. CBA specializes in helping families optimize college selection around 15 “fit factors.” College Bound Advantage serves all of Ohio including Cleveland, Akron, and Cincinnati metro areas.

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